It has been awhile since the last update, but things have been taking shape. We recently purchased some essential but not yet needed items (GPS and Downriggers) simply due to the deal. More importantly the outboard bracket arrived from Stainless Marine, and we have drilled the mounting holes and did a little dry fit just to boost morale and keep the imaginations going.
We did run into one problem though, the mounting pattern caused us to drill into both of the interior stringers. This was not good news, but not a major setback. We spent about 45 minutes grinding out the section that we needed to get to in order to tighten the bolts and fit the backing plate on. We also cut the stiff knees and prep'ed the transom with another piece of 3/4" plywood to attach the stiff knees too. She should be plenty strong enough to hold the weight of the bracket and outboards....more pics to come. The trailer should be arriving soon and hopefully the project will pick up some pace in time for some fall fishing... : )
Here is a pic of the mounting instructions that were sent along with the bracket and then a pic of the bracket during the "dry fit"...sorry, I had to take one: