A relatively slow working day, we hooked up the outriggers, remounted the downriggers, added two new rod holders, replaced the bimini's plastic hardware with stainless, fit the driver side gunnel enclosure, mounted the GPS antenna, finished the install of the cuddy cover, OH Shit handle, installed some trim work and reworked the wench stand on the front of the trailer. We have abandoned the leaning post setup in favor of a swingback seat that has a livewell/cooler/storage in it. This made for a better setup with more room and comfort. We have some ends to tie up prior to the launch, but nothing is a show stopper. Team Hatley is slightly anxious to go fishing. Here are some pics...we are looking at a tower that is for sale on www.thehulltruth.com and if we can acquire that and get the windshield worked out we will be in serious bidnezz.
Ready to fish:

Officially Legal:

Pic of the new cuddy cover and the instrument panel (candidate for change):

Pic of the back...