After grinding the plugs and existing glass on the back of the boat we applied US Composite 2:1 slow epoxy to the section, and the plywood, then added a 5ft section 18oz woven roving to the transom as a "barrier" between the wooden pieces.
Next step was to mix up some cabosil in the epoxy and apply that to both the board and the boat.
Finally we through bolted the cap, similar to the plugs that were put in and tightened it down. We used the squeeze out to apply an initial fillet at the bottom of the plug, but the resources ran out and we were not able to do the final fillet - maybe next week.
Here are da pics:
You will notice that we did not try to cut this cap to shape the bottom of the boat, electing instead to take it straight across and cover about 3/4 of the plug. the top of the cap does not go all the way to the top of the transom, we decided instead to make that shorter so that we could more easily work with the lip that exists in the transom. Next step will be to glass in the entire back end, and the stringers to the transom with some stiff knees.
We also got a chance to mix up some of the 2lb foam and pour up one of the stringers...That stuff gets pretty warm and will melt latex gloves...doh.
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